I am not actively writing on this blog anymore. You can my latest and updated blog at The Blue Bridge on substack. Head there and subscribe! :)

"A professional writer is an amateur who didn't quit.”
~ Richard Bach

Well, I’m an amateur, and I don’t intend to quit! I’ve always loved reading & been fascinated by how authors can bend words to their will, and create a vivid world of meaning & insight in their readers’ minds. My best days have been ones where I’ve curled up with a great book, and by the tenth page I’ve inhabited an entirely new universe, whether it’s a thoughtscape of the author’s philosophy, a recounting of their own lived experiences, or a purely fictional world of wonder. It felt a bit like a ride in Dr. Who’s TARDIS, landing at an alternate dimension where time & space fade, while a new & wondrous adventure awaits. “Wouldn’t it be nice if I could write this powerfully too!” - I have wondered ever so often.

Well, I may be a long way away from that dream, but when we discussed the concept of Our Culture Cafe, I couldn’t have been more thrilled! I could finally have my own serious writing project! So here I am.

I have an insatiable love of learning ever since I can remember, especially about human beings & the underlying social & psychological phenomena that compel us to live the way we do. So it’s not a surprise that I ended up in the field of People Operations & Development and spent a significant chunk of that time in the Learning & Development space. I’ve done everything from learning design, content development, training delivery, workshop facilitation, coaching to leading large, complex & global training programs. Over the last few years, my work has led me to learn more about the Organisational Development space, with a specific focus on Organisational Culture & Leading Change. After having spent more than a decade at Thoughtworks and leading the talent development function in my last role there, I am now a strategic talent development consultant, facilitator & certified coach.

Through Our Culture Cafe, I have shared what I discovered about Learning, Culture & Change with you, and do what I love most as I go along, keep learning!

You can my latest and updated blog at The Blue Bridge on substack. Head there and subscribe! :)

Cover Image Credit: chuttersnap at Unsplash

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